Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dairy Goat Ration Evaluator

The Maryland Dairy Goat Ration Evaluator allows you to evaluate rations for dairy goats. The Excel spreadsheet determines if a dairy goat's requirements for energy (TDN), protein (CP), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) are being met based on the amount and nutritional composition of feeds being fed.

The spreadsheet utilizes the latest nutritional requirements for dairy goats from the National Research Council (NRC, 2007).  Rations for dry, pregnant, and lactating does can be evaluated. There are separate requirements for does being parlor-milked. Rations can also be evaluated for doe, wether, and buck kids and mature bucks. The current spreadsheet utilizes pounds for measurements. A spreadsheet using metric measurements is in the works.

Download spreadsheets from Maryland Small Ruminant Page

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